Surprise Movie Night in Support of Maagdenhuis Occupation

vrijdag, 13 maart

Surprise Movie Night in Support of Maagdenhuis Occupation

Short url:

A prophetic film about abuse leading to insurrection at an institution. An allegorical story shaped as an anarchic vision of modern Western society. In support of the university strikes and the Bungehuis occupation in February 2015 in Amsterdam. A rebel yell of a movie. Come over and feel free in our safe space to watch and discuss! Free entry!

Datum & tijd: 

vrijdag, 13 maart, 2015 - 20:30


  • actie/protest/camp
  • discussie/presentatie
  • film


  • free
Filmhuis Cavia
Van Hallstraat 52-1
1051 HH Amsterdam


Go through the gate. Cavia is on the right side of the buidling, above the gym. Take the stairs.


Former squat, now legalised

Filmhuis Cavia is a counterculture cinema, (legally) founded by a squatters movement in 1983, which programs films you aren't likely to see anywhere else.


  • film

opening times: 

We're open a couple of days in the week. Look us up to find our monthly program.
Doors always open half an hour before the film starts.