ORCA Fundraising & Integration Voku

maandag, 4 maart

ORCA Fundraising & Integration Voku

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After our action on the 23rd of February at the UvA, ORCA is cooking some delicious food for some funding. 

ORCA is a student group, primarily made up by UvA (Universiteit van Amsterdam) students that advocates for a vision of true climate justice that addresses the intertwined root causes of the polycrisis. We share an intersectional, anti-capitalist, antifascist worldview and oppose any kinds of oppression and discrimination. This includes an abolitionist approach to borders, police and (neo)colonialism. We believe in bottom-up revolutionary organising and a new world based on mutual radical care, solidarity, and a regenerative culture. Our goals include the decarbonisation, democratisation, and decolonisation of the Dutch higher education system, and we reject the neoliberalisation of our society, including our educational spaces.

Want to find out more? Come to the Voku & have a chat.

Datum & tijd: 

maandag, 4 maart, 2024 - 19:00


  • eten


  • tegen donatie
  • 3-5 €
Joe's Garage
Pretoriusstraat 43
1092 EZ Amsterdam


Train station Amsterdam Muiderpoort, 10 minutes walk --- Metro station Wibaustraat, 15 minutes walk --- Tram 19 or Bus 41, Bus/tramhalte: Oostpoort, 1 minute walk


Presently squatted

A group of students and staff of the University of Amsterdam dedicated to pushing for the abolishment of the systems that have created a global climate crisis and making a more just and fair future for everyone and everything.


  • actie/protest/camp / cursus/workshop / eten

Sinds juni 2005 is Joe's Garage een autonoom gekraakt politiek sociaal centrum, een ontmoetingsplaats in de Transvaal buurt voor krakers en niet-krakers, subsidievrij, zonder winstoogmerk, zelf georganiseerd en volledig gerund door vrijwilligers.


  • advies/hulp/spreekuur / boekwinkel/info shop/bibliotheek / cursus/workshop / discussie/presentatie / tentoonstelling / film / eten / weggeefwinkel / bijeenkomst / muziek / theater

opening times: 

(December 2024):
Maandag: 19u, Volkseten Vegazulu
Dinsdag: 19u/20u30, Kraakspreekuur Oost
Woensdag: 19u/21u, Nederlandse les*
Donderdag: 19u, Volkseten Vegazulu*
Vrijdag: 20u, Aman molli, muziekworkshop
Zaterdag: 14u/18u, Weggeefwinkel
Zondag: 18u/20u, Radical Sunday School
Zondag: 20u30, Filmavond*
(*) onregelmatig
Elke 2e zaterdag van de maand, 19:00-20:30, Joe's Garage open vergadering
Elke 2e zondag van de maand, 14:00-18:00, All Crafts Are Beautiful