Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Sambizanga

zondag, 12 november

Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Sambizanga

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SAMBIZANGA * 1972 * Directed by Sarah Maldoror * 97 Minutes * In Lingala and Portuguese, with English subtitles
This flick takes place during the Portuguese occupation of Angola and focuses on the liberation struggle of African people living under a dictatorship and secret police force. And although there are freedom fighters that are being rounded up and arrested, this film was directed by a woman and therefore she gives it a more  unusual and personal perspective. Different from most movies about colonialism, this one is much more intimate, moves at a human speed, and follows the plight of a single mother's experience when her husband is arrested and disappears. She goes from police station to police station, from prison to prison, searching for him and what she experiences is a labyrinthine Kafkaesque bureaucracy.

It is based on the 1961 novella The Real Life of Domingos Xavier by José Luandino Vieira. When the film was made Angola was still under a dictatorship, and therefore the film had to be shot in the Congo. Many of the so-called actors in the film are real people that were working in the liberation movements at the time. Two years after the film was made a left-wing coup overthrew the government and liberated the country from the Portuguese. This film created an incredible historical president, helping people to understand what was happening on a grass-roots cultural level. Although the situation is harsh, director Sarah Maldoror was able to create a film of pure poetry. The cinematography shimmers, and one critic compared it to a Caravaggio painting.

This will be a high definition screening.

Datum & tijd: 

zondag, 12 november, 2023 - 20:30


  • film
Joe's Garage
Pretoriusstraat 43
1092 EZ Amsterdam


Train station Amsterdam Muiderpoort, 10 minutes walk --- Metro station Wibaustraat, 15 minutes walk --- Tram 19 or Bus 41, Bus/tramhalte: Oostpoort, 1 minute walk


Presently squatted

Sinds juni 2005 is Joe's Garage een autonoom gekraakt politiek sociaal centrum, een ontmoetingsplaats in de Transvaal buurt voor krakers en niet-krakers, subsidievrij, zonder winstoogmerk, zelf georganiseerd en volledig gerund door vrijwilligers.


  • advies/hulp/spreekuur / boekwinkel/info shop/bibliotheek / cursus/workshop / discussie/presentatie / tentoonstelling / film / eten / weggeefwinkel / bijeenkomst / muziek / theater

opening times: 

(December 2024):
Maandag: 19u, Volkseten Vegazulu
Dinsdag: 19u/20u30, Kraakspreekuur Oost
Woensdag: 19u/21u, Nederlandse les*
Donderdag: 19u, Volkseten Vegazulu*
Vrijdag: 20u, Aman molli, muziekworkshop
Zaterdag: 14u/18u, Weggeefwinkel
Zondag: 18u/20u, Radical Sunday School
Zondag: 20u30, Filmavond*
(*) onregelmatig
Elke 2e zaterdag van de maand, 19:00-20:30, Joe's Garage open vergadering
Elke 2e zondag van de maand, 14:00-18:00, All Crafts Are Beautiful

Weekly programme of film screenings in a circuit of underground / self-organised venues. Forgotten movies that should have been classics, neglected flics, lesser-known gems, always with a personal introduction by the programmer. All films in English, or with English subtitles.


  • film

opening times: 

mostly Sunday to Thursday at about 7 different underground locations.