The Way to Home ( طريق البيت) + Q&A

vrijdag, 28 april

The Way to Home ( طريق البيت) + Q&A

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Wael Kadlo | 2018 | Syrië, Libanon | 65’ | EN subs

This film presents the filmmaker’s quest to better understand the shredded state of his family, while questioning the long-lasting socio-political crisis in Syria. Cancer, family dismantlement, and urban transformations are in The Way to Home a metaphor for a global crisis. After the film, Wael Kadlo, director of the film, will be in conversation with the Palestinian writer and journalist Rasha Hilwi.

This screening is in collaboration with SoKOON سُكُون. They are a cultural and artistic collective that brings together people from the Arab region who are now residents of the Netherlands or other European countries. They are ethnic, cultural, religious and gender diverse. Their name derives from “Sakan” which is an Arabic term for “home”. This is their first event in Filmhuis Cavia.

Datum & tijd: 

vrijdag, 28 april, 2023 - 20:30


  • film


  • Documentary


5 euros (or Cineville)
Filmhuis Cavia
Van Hallstraat 52-1
1051 HH Amsterdam


Go through the gate. Cavia is on the right side of the buidling, above the gym. Take the stairs.


Former squat, now legalised

Filmhuis Cavia is a counterculture cinema, (legally) founded by a squatters movement in 1983, which programs films you aren't likely to see anywhere else.


  • film

opening times: 

We're open a couple of days in the week. Look us up to find our monthly program.
Doors always open half an hour before the film starts.