zaterdag, 22 oktober
Beeldhouwer (Matilda Medard, 2022) + Q&A
Short url:
Matilda Medard | 2022 | NL | 30’ | EN subs
Amsterdam premiere of Matilda Medard’s short film Beeldhouwer. In the film, Jan, a young and charismatic student living in Amsterdam, is tormented by his love for a statue. One evening, while he is secretly visiting the statue, an angry neighbor sheds light on the truth by recording him and filing a complaint to the local municipality. His secret is exposed to everyone around him, but Jan cannot open up, including to his own girlfriend. While Jan sees his meeting with the municipality as a chance to explain himself to society at large, the municipal workers respond to him with sheer indifference and dismissal, leaving Jan confused and vulnerable.
Datum & tijd:
zaterdag, 22 oktober, 2022 - 20:30
- film
5 euros (or Cineville)