donderdag, 20 oktober
Who’s Afraid of Red, Green and Blue – 16mm short films by Esther Urlus (+ Q&A)
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Esther Urlus | 2010 - 2020 | NL | 70’ | EN subs
Esther Urlus is a Rotterdam-based artist working with motion picture film formats Super8, 16mm and 35mm. Resulting in films, performances and installations, her works always arise from DIY methods. Kneading the material, by trial, error and (re) inventing, she creates new work. Most of her films dwell on the exuberant use of colour, being, each of the films, a deep dive into a specific subject matter or atmosphere. The films will be screened entirely on 16mm and a Q&A with Esther Urlus will follow the program.
Click HERE for the complete program
Datum & tijd:
donderdag, 20 oktober, 2022 - 20:30
- tentoonstelling
- film
5 euros (or Cineville)