zondag, 12 juni
Brasil Tupinambá (Our Fight is For Life!)
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Celene Fonseca | 2022 | Brazil | 55’ | EN subs
In the last 4 years, the struggle of indigenous communities in Brazil have been intensified in the face of the genocidal actions carried out by the current Brazilian government. Bolsonaro's policies have been promoting death, ethnocide, ecocide and genocide of indigenous communities and protected areas. Brazil is living in its most destructive period of the last 34 years of democracy in the country. Filmhuis Cavia alongside the Collective Amsterdam For Democracy in Brazil [www.facebook.com/amsterdampelademocracianobrasil/] – in response and solidarity to this tragic situation – is organizing two screenings that aim to raise funds for the participation of the Tupinambá de Olivença indigenous community from Ilhéus, South of Bahia, in a large protest taking place in mid-June in Brasília. This historical protest aims to bring together several indigenous communities against the necropolitics of the Brazilian government.
On the 4th and 12th of June at 20:00, we will be screening at Filmhuis Cavia in Amsterdam, the documentary Brasil Tupinambá. Five hundred years after the arrival of Portuguese colonial rule, the Tupinambás reaffirmed an identity that seemed lost, in order to regain their own territory and emerge from subalternity in modern day Brazil. The documentary portrays their history, struggles and conquests throughout this process. A virtual Q&A will follow with Cacique Ramon Tupinambá. All ticket sales will be reverted to donations.
Datum & tijd:
- film
- Documentary
- Benefit
- indigenous