zaterdag, 16 april
How Do I Depict You? – five short films + Q&A
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Carl Elsaesser | 2014-2021 | USA | 66' | EN / no subs
Filmhuis Cavia welcomes you to a celebration of filmmaker Carl Elsaesser’s body of work in an evening that explores the seemingly infinite complexity of representation of human portraits through the means of film and video. Five films all about the grappling with reality and certainties: from a travelogue of frustrations and understandings of gay sexuality, woven into a sketch book of images and sounds of a trip to Loomis, South Dakota; to a quarantined love letter imagining home– and lastly the psychogeographies of mourning through a variety of modes in his recent film Home When You Return, documentary and melodrama intertwine and reverberate raising the ultimate question: “How do I depict you—that is, without fixing or totalizing your nature?"
Q+A with Carl Elsaesser after the screening.
Project Gasbuggy - 2104, 7'
Vague Images at the Beginning and End of the Day - 2015, 8'
The Misbehaving Image - 2016, 13'
Itinerary of Surfaces - 2020, 8'
Home When You Return - 2021, 30'
Datum & tijd:
- film