Na romských životech záleží / Roma lives matter

woensdag, 30 juni

Na romských životech záleží / Roma lives matter

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On the 19th of June Stanislav Tomáš died as a resut of police action. The Czech Police, supported by the Ministry of the Interior, is refusing to take any responsibility for his death.
The question is not whether Stanislav was sober but whether it is acceptable to be kneeling on a person’s neck for more than fice minutes.

We say it is not. Discrimination against the Roma people by the police happens all the time and we consider this case only the tip of the iceberg.

Therefore we want to meet on Palackého náměstí in Prague on Wednesday the 30th of June at 18h to support the community in Teplice and to voice our disagreement with the police action and the subsequent reaction of public figures. Without waiting for an independent inquiry intothe case these public figures did not hesitate to assume the position of supporting police brutality and limit their attention to the victim’s past of drug use and criminal aktivity.

Because #RomaLivesMatter

Datum & tijd: 

woensdag, 30 juni, 2021 - 18:00


  • actie/protest/camp


  • free
Palackého náměstí
Palackého náměstí
1200 Praha

„Stavíme se proti byrokratickému systému s centralizovanou mocí, který je sociálně nespravedlivý a dlouhodobě neudržitelný, bez ohledu na to, zda funguje ve státech kapitalistických nebo tzv. socialistických.


  • actie/protest/camp / boekwinkel/info shop/bibliotheek / kinderen / cursus/workshop / discussie/presentatie / tentoonstelling / film / werkplaats/diy