CYBER SOTU 2020: Sound Picnic #2

zondag, 19 april

CYBER SOTU 2020: Sound Picnic #2

Short url:

Because the physical dimension of the SOTU festival has been tampered with, this year's festival has gone undercover in the online world, and been renamed to CYBER SOTU 2020. It takes place from 15 to 19 april. More info & full program at You'll find all the links to all the shows from all over the world.

Still,on Green Tribe we will be hosting some expressions of this under-cover festivities this sunday afternoon. Unfortunately there's no audience allowed, but you can follow what's going on, and hear our sounds through the infinite airwaves.

Watch online through youtube, the event will be casted live:

Also, you can listen online on Radio Patapoe: or

14:00 Intro // Ruud starts painting
14:15 Bomi
15:45 Shoco
15:15 PM Soil Series
16:15 Prof. Russolo
16:30 Poetic Synthonautics
17:15 BAHK
17:45 walk around and check Ruud's painting
18:00 Paolo/PGR
18:30 walk around and check Ruud's painting
18:45 Rebet guitarS
18:45 Painting on Fire!
20:00 End

Datum & tijd: 

zondag, 19 april, 2020 - 14:00 tot 20:00


  • muziek
  • radio/tv


  • SOTU Festival


  • free


Radio Patapoe


Wij zijn de Green Tribe, een gemeleerde groep van creatieve individuen, die na definitief van het Zeeburgereiland verjaagd te zijn, een verloren landje in Slotervaart in gebruik hebben genomen. Dit landje stond ruim 18 jaar leeg, nadat De Elf (illegaal) ontruimd werd, en het gebouw vernietigd.


  • actie/protest/camp / bar/café / kinderen / cursus/workshop / discussie/presentatie / tentoonstelling / bijeenkomst / muziek / radio/tv / werkplaats/diy

opening times: 

We zijn altijd wel een beetje open, kom gerust langs.

Working DAY : every 2nd Sunday of the month : working outside together : garden - building - socialize  🌻🐸🐢🐦🐔🐛

Green Vibes : every 4th Sunday of the month : open day - events series : different programs for every dates : tba : any ideas are welcome : diy