zaterdag, 9 november
Clásicos Latinoamericanos: Wara Wara
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José María Velasco Maidana | 1930 | Bolivia | 69’ | EN subs
This story of a frustrated love between and Aymara princes and a Spanish conquistador has been described as the Intolerance (D.W. Griffith, 1916) of Latin America by the main historian of Bolivian cinema Alfonso Gumucio Dagron. Its production demanded enormous efforts in the construction of sets and costumes, while the technology with which it was produced was simple and reduced to a camera and a Moviola. Lost during the five decades, Wara Wara comes to our days to open discussions on colonialism, gender, and the representations of the non-criollo in Latin American society.
Clásicos Latinoamericanos is a long term program that looks for digging in Latin American cinema to reflect on how it has been developed through history, the relationship The Netherland has have with it, and together with special guests and the audience reflect on consistent conflicts and issues of the continent.
Datum & tijd:
- film