Workshop "Solidarität mit jüdischen Menschen"

zondag, 3 februari

Workshop "Solidarity with jewish people"

Short url:

Anaque workshop series:

Solidarity with jewish people in our daily (political) work and life.


How can I be more in solidarity with Jewish people? What does solidarity mean today? What do I do with my own feelings and stories from a Jewish and non-Jewish perspective, especially in Europe?

We would like to open a space to explore the topic of "Jewish solidarity in the diverse light of our own stories today” with the help of topic-centered interaction with ourselves as well as with others.
We would like to invite especially people with Jewish history and/or identity and people who are politically active on topics like antifa, fascism or remembering culture! At the beginning there will be a short lecture by Nui as with a critique of the actual state of Jewish solidarity, as Nui experiences it in a queer feminist or left-wing autonomous scene.

According to Utopia, the workshop is supposed to be a braver space for Jewish people, antisemitism will probably still exist. It will be clearly named and if necessary non-Jewish people will have to leave the workshop if they don’t want to get engaged in this reflection process. I also ask you for reflection and transparency regarding speaking positions. It’s especially about perceiving Jewish and thus suppressed perspectives and empathizing. Jews are especially welcome to join in the discussion, to be a part of it and to be heard! It remains complicated.

arrival: 13-14h
workshop start: 14h

we will cook dinner afterwards, for people who want to stay.

<3 Anaques and Nui



feminist/ische bibliothek/library im sp!t - raum für feministische anliegen und praxen/space for feminist matters and practices
erlenstr. 44, 4058 basel


öv/public transport: bus 30, haltestelle mattenstrasse oder erlenmatt; ca 5 min. zu fuss vom badischen bahnhof 
/ bus 30 stop mattenstrasse & erlenmatt; ca. 5 min. walk from badischer bahnhof

der raum ist rauchfrei, über 4 stufen erreichbar, eingangstür: 79cm breit, genderneutrale toilette tür: 69cm breit. ***der raum ist leider nicht rollstuhlzugänglich*** 
/ The room is smokefree and only accessible by 4 steps, entry door: 79cm wide, gender neutral toilet: door 69cm wide. ***the space is not wheelchair accessible***

we’re very sorry, the space is not wheelchair accessible – please write if we can help you to access the space!


Datum & tijd: 

zondag, 3 februari, 2019 - 13:00


  • actie/protest/camp
  • cursus/workshop
  • discussie/presentatie
  • bijeenkomst


  • free
  • tegen donatie
Erlenstrasse 44
4058 Basel

AnaQue is an Anarcha-Queerfeminist Network



  • advies/hulp/spreekuur / bar/café / cursus/workshop / discussie/presentatie / tentoonstelling / film / bijeenkomst

opening times: 

Every 1st Sunday of the month in Basel, Freiburg im Breisgau, Lucerne or Zurich.

you find places & spaces in the events calendar