zondag, 31 mei
Linux workshop for beginners - Cancelled!!!
Short url:
CANCELLED!!! Sorry for cancelling last minute !!! CANCELLED
First time hands on Linux (XUbuntu).
The workshop will cover:
* A brief introduction to Linux and open source.
* User interface: usage, configuration and customization.
* Software: How to search, install, remove and update. Presentation of
Open source alternatives to popular commercial software.
* Communication and privacy: Setting up Email client with gpg
Setting up XMPP chat with otr encryption.
Using secure, encrypted online file storage.
In order to participate in the workshop, please send an email to
signup@laglab.org. We need at least 2 interested people for the workshop
to take place.
If you don't have Linux installed yet, please attend installFest first
(16th May)
Datum & tijd:
zondag, 31 mei, 2015 - 16:05
- advies/hulp/spreekuur
- cursus/workshop
- Linux
- free