
zondag, 1 oktober tot zaterdag, 30 september


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Datum & tijd: 

zondag, 1 oktober, 2017 (Hele dag) tot zaterdag, 30 september, 2017 (Hele dag)

The valley of Can Masdeu is a network of projects that resists, at the rhythm of the seasons, the voracity of a city without limits. It is a creative act of disobedience to the world of money, smoke, noise and speed.


  • cursus/workshop / discussie/presentatie / eten / bijeenkomst / werkplaats/diy

opening times: 

Dijous, 10-15h Treball a l'hort + Dinar de germanor hortelana
Dissabte, 11-20h Treball al bosc comestible i a l'hort permacomunal
Diumenge, 11-20h Tallers + espectacles + rutes + menjars popularstrabajo comunitario en el huerto