Max/MSP and audio/visuals coding meetup

maandag, 16 oktober

Max/MSP and audio/visuals coding meetup

Short url:

On *Monday* 16 October from 19:00 till 21:30 there is a meetup in the Vondelbunker, where audio and video nerds can meet, discuss and present their experiments with digital audio and video synthesis and digital signal processing with Max/MSP, jitter, TouchDesigner, C++, supercollider, programmable devices such as the Daisy etc. Some uses are, for example, advanced sequencing, weird additive synthesis, granular synthesis madness, and FFT manipulations.

Even if you have no prior experience with such technologies you are welcome to join and absorb the knowledge that is being shared. If you made something interesting, we have a screen, a projector and PA speakers so you can showcase your creations. We will also set up a table and chairs in the middle of the bunker so you can bring your laptop to work independently on your experiments and ask questions and assistance.

We are looking forward to gathering a nice group and possibly having this meetup on an approximately bi or tri-weekly basis.

Datum & tijd: 

maandag, 16 oktober, 2023 - 19:00


  • advies/hulp/spreekuur
  • cursus/workshop
  • discussie/presentatie
  • bijeenkomst
  • muziek
  • werkplaats/diy


  • free
Vondelpark 8a


We are in the bridge, under the trams!

Welkom bij de Vondelbunker!


  • actie/protest/camp / advies/hulp/spreekuur / bar/café / boekwinkel/info shop/bibliotheek / kinderen / cursus/workshop / discussie/presentatie / tentoonstelling / film / weggeefwinkel / bijeenkomst / muziek / party / theater / werkplaats/diy