donderdag, 31 augustus tot vrijdag, 1 september
Spinning Thursdays (Bar/DJ Night & Open Decks)
Short url:
Every Thursday evening all vinyl collectors, selectors and enthusiasts are invited to bring over a selection from their collection and showcase their favorite tunes or newest/oldest additions, NO GENRE DISCRIMINATION, everyone and everything is welcome (No CDJ or USB, strictly vinyl)!
Techincal info for people who come over to play:
Keep in mind that this event only takes 5 hours, so the playtime depends on how many people want to play that night... We will open the bar, but we don't serve food on these nights. At the moment we have one Numark DM 1002 MKII mixer, a Nikkei NTT15U direct drive turntable with a Audio Technica ATN3600L scratch needle available and one Skytec TEC3030 belt drive turntable with a PEP Stanton 500 AL needle, also with scratching ability, so it's not the best set up for DJ'ing, since we don't have 2 direct drive turntables (yet...) but it works well for selecting tunes/records.
Datum & tijd:
- bar/café
- muziek
- records / vinyl
- free