woensdag, 29 november
Gaza (2019) – Intimate screening and reflection
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Garry Keane & Andrew McConnell | 2019 | Ireland | 92’ | EN subs
Gaza (2019) captures the beauty, colour, vibrancy and warmth on display in Gaza. It goes beyond the reach of television news reports to reveal a portrayal of life under occupation. The documentary is directed by Irish filmmakers Garry Keane and Andrew McConnell, and was selected as Ireland’s entry for the 2019 Oscars’ Best International Feature Film.
The screening will be followed by a reflection on the film, holding space for the intense emotions the film may evoke and finding ways to channel grief and anger into meaningful action, facilitated by Asiya from the Gaza Grief Support group at the VU.
All proceeds from the event will go to the Palestinian Counselling Centre.
Datum & tijd:
woensdag, 29 november, 2023 - 19:00
- film
- Documentary
- Palestina
5 or 10 euros (Cineville card valid)