Workshop: Was ist Powersharing und was hat das mit mir zu tun?

Mercoledì, 18 Dicembre

Workshop: what is powersharing and what does it have to do with me?

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The p8 is accessible at ground level and has an accessible toilet. Do you need anything to take part in the event? Please contact us at:


Admission: Free

Speaker: Panajoti Koça, Empowerment Space Karlsruhe

Discover the hidden dynamics of power in our diverse society! In this interactive workshop, we will dive into the world of power of interpretation and action and its often unconscious monopolization. Together we will explore the transformative potential of power sharing as a counter-design. Through creative group work and lively discussions you will:

    Decode power structures in your environment
    Track down and question your own entanglements
    Develop innovative solutions for a fairer distribution of power

Let's build a bridge together from theory to practice and create new perspectives for an inclusive future. Are you ready to rethink power?


Data e Orario: 

Mercoledì, 18 Dicembre, 2024 - da 17:00 a 21:00


  • course/workshop


  • free
Schauenburgstraße 5
76135 Karlsruhe

Die p8 ist ein selbstverwalteter Freiraum, welcher unkommerzieller (Sozio-) Kultur, fernab von Konsum und Geltungszwang, einen Platz bietet.


  • discussion/presentation / exhibition / music/concert / party / theater

opening times: 

Fr+Sa: 19.00 Uhr - 05.00 Uhr