Noite Night: Nuit Bleue (touring from Toulouse) & Looo (lisbon)

Martedì, 5 Novembre

Noite Night: Nuit Bleue (touring from Toulouse) & Looo (lisbon)

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Próxima terça feira voltamos a ter uma noite Disgraça - @terapiaruido com concertos de noisee.

20h: Jantaroca vegana
21h: Concertos: @nuitbleuetls - Banda de hardcore/noise em tour de Toulose // Looo: Noise guitar solo aqui de Lixoboa.


Next Tuesday we're back to a @terapiaruido // Disgraça noise night.

20h: Vegan dinner
21h: Concerts: @nuitbleuetls (hardcore/noise from toulouse) // Looo: Noise guitar solo from Trashbon

Até para a semana! See you next week!

Data e Orario: 

Martedì, 5 Novembre, 2024 - da 19:00 a 23:00


  • bar/cafe
  • book shop/info shop/library
  • food
  • (free) shop/market
  • music/concert


  • free
  • by donation
  • 3-5 €
Rua da Penha de França 217
1170-182 Lisboa


Ring the bell!

Rua Penha de França217,LX


  • bar/cafe / book shop/info shop/library / children's activity / course/workshop / discussion/presentation / exhibition / film / food / (free) shop/market / meeting / music/concert / party / theater / work space/diy

opening times: 

  • We open whenever we have events. This is not a living place or a business.