La Terrorista del Sabor | GRIBITCH (FR)

Venerdì, 3 Maggio

La Terrorista del Sabor | GRIBITCH (FR)

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La Terrorista del Sabor is the creator of terrorythm, an indescribable genre, a tropical explosion with electronic music, danceable, and a punk/trash attitude and philosophy. it´s a project based in the freedom of mixing genres, and playing with different characters on stage, some political content and trasgression humour is an importante element in her project. It was born 7 years ago, and played around Latinamerica and Europe, non stop. We will be presenting the new album called «Despeche mode» on this European tour.

Data e Orario: 

Venerdì, 3 Maggio, 2024 - 20:00


  • music/concert


  • more than 5 CHF
6005 Luzern


Former squat, now legalised

Über den Dächern von Luzern, auf der Anhöhe des Rotsees steht er: der Sedel. Bis 1971 als Knast genutzt, proben heute über 100 Bands in den 54 Zellen. 1981 erkämpften sich junge Musikerinnen und Musiker das Gebäude.


  • bar/cafe / food / music/concert / party

opening times: 

je nach Anlass unterschiedlich