Screw the Smalltalk VOKU for No Border Kitchen Lesvos ZZW_RAFELRAND

Lunedì, 12 Febbraio

Screw the Smalltalk VOKU for No Border Kitchen Lesvos ZZW_RAFELRAND

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Our friends at No Border Kitchen Lesvos need our support! With cold weather, ever-continuing pushbacks and little support, we need to stand in solidarity more than ever. 

"No Border Kitchen Lesvos is a self-organised group of independent individuals who maintain a solidarity structure on the Greek Island of Lesvos. The main purpose of the collective is to support travellers who cannot progress with their journey due to European migratory policies. Through a praxis based on mutual aid and solidarity, we take a stand against border policies and the suffering they are causing.

Alongside providing basic needs, we are trying to offer a viable alternative to the way travellers are treated by mainstream NGO’s, governments, and local authorities, which is often characterised by condescension, coupled with a dehumanising and infantilising attitude. We also monitor and publish information about the ever-changing situation on Lesvos, to put the situation back into focus and to be able to maintain a flexible and responsive organisational structure."

Alongside serving food, we will also play a game called screw the smalltalk, in which we doodle together. Bring a pen and paper if you want to participate!

your chickens and nightingales from zzw rafelrand

Data e Orario: 

Lunedì, 12 Febbraio, 2024 - 19:00


  • food


  • by donation
Joe's Garage
Pretoriusstraat 43
1092 EZ Amsterdam


Train station Amsterdam Muiderpoort, 10 minutes walk --- Metro station Wibaustraat, 15 minutes walk --- Tram 19 or Bus 41, Bus/tramhalte: Oostpoort, 1 minute walk


Presently squatted

We are ZZW Rafelrand, a patchwork of communities living and creating in one of the last frayed edges of Amsterdam East, on Zeeburgereiland.


  • action/protest/camp / book shop/info shop/library / course/workshop / discussion/presentation / (free) shop/market / party / radio/tv

Joe's Garage è un centro politico-sociale autonomo squattato da giugno 2005. Situato nel quartiere Transvaal, è diventato un punto d'incontro tra squatter e non, dove le attività sono sostenute interamente da volontari, senza fini di lucro, auto-organizzate.


  • advice/help/office hours / book shop/info shop/library / course/workshop / discussion/presentation / exhibition / film / food / (free) shop/market / meeting / music/concert / theater

opening times: 

(Dicembre 2024)
Lunedì: 19:00: Volkseten Vegazulu: Cena Sociale Vegan
Martedì: 19-20:30: Consulto all'occupazione di edifici, (commitato Amsterdam Est)
Mercoledì: 19:00-21:00: Lezioni di olandese*
Giovedì: 19:00, Volkseten Vegazulu: Cena Sociale Vegan*
Venerdì: 20:00 Aman molli: Esercitazioni di musica modale
Sabato: 14-18, Mercatino non commerciale
Domenica: 18-20, Scuola Radicale domenicale
Domenica: 20:30, Serata cinema*
(*) irregolare
Ogni seconda sabato del mese, 19:00-20:30, assemblea aperta a tutti
Ogni seconda domenica del mese, 14-18, All Crafts Are Beautiful