Únorové setkání INN Praha: Kauce — jak bojovat proti nespravedlnosti?

Giovedì, 9 Febbraio

February meeting of INN Prague: Deposit - how to fight injustice?

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At the next English-friendly meeting, we will discuss together how to combat one of the most common injustices faced by tenants - non-payment of deposits.

This time the meeting will be a little more practical. After a brief introduction to the legal framework, we'll get into figuring out how to deal with specific cases. This will give space to those who have not experienced the problem. (Only if they want to, introverts are welcome too!)

At the meeting, we will also have some purely cheerful things to do - mulled wine for a voluntary donation, a round of hoops or darts, fellowship. Again, we will also offer free help with housing allowance.

We will meet at Punctum in Prague's Žižkov district. Punctum is about 2 minutes from the tram stop Viktoria Žižkov. If you can't climb the steeper hill, you can get off at the Lipanská or Náměstí Míru stops.

We look forward to seeing you!

This time there will be an interpreter who will help you in case you do not speak Czech!

Data e Orario: 

Giovedì, 9 Febbraio, 2023 - 18:00


  • discussion/presentation


  • by donation
Krásova 27, Prague 3
13000 Prague
Repubblica Ceca

„Stavíme se proti byrokratickému systému s centralizovanou mocí, který je sociálně nespravedlivý a dlouhodobě neudržitelný, bez ohledu na to, zda funguje ve státech kapitalistických nebo tzv. socialistických.


  • action/protest/camp / book shop/info shop/library / children's activity / course/workshop / discussion/presentation / exhibition / film / work space/diy