Giovedì, 28 Febbraio
NEURA (es) + RUSSE(ge) + dirty fuckin vegan burgers
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One more thursday show in DISGRAÇAAAAAAAAAA
from far away, two bands have been summoned to make our thursday into a GREAT thursday!
from germany, we have.......... RUSSE!
and from our neighbour country, spain, we have...... NEEEEEEEEEEURA
So leave shitty attitude at home, come cook some burgers and listen to some P@NK with us!
3-5 diy's
Noite de hambúrguéres à quinta! Apareçam para desfrutar dos hamburguéres menos gourmet e mais saborosos da cidade, tudo temperado com boa música e boa companhia!
We will have burger night on thursday!! please come by and enjoy burgers, company and good music in Disgraça!
Made from plants, cooked by apes.
Data e Orario:
Giovedì, 28 Febbraio, 2019 - 19:00
- bar/cafe
- food
- 3-5 €