Giovedì, 15 Dicembre
the Night of the Living Queers : YES WE FUCK and SCUM
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This evening we are very pleased to have permission from the makers to screen the films:
"Yes, We Fuck!" 2015
by Antonio Centeno / Raúl de la Morena
60min. spanish with english subtitles
**un documental atrevido, incómodo para algunas miradas, pero necesario para la liberación de los cuerpos**
This documentary shows six stories about sex and functional diversity, real and varied stories where sex is turned into a pleasure weapon for poeple's individual and collective rights. Beyond sex, this project shows, without inhibitions, censorship or prejudice what sexuality can do for people with functional diversity, and also how the reality of functional diversity can contribute to human sexuality.
by AberturaVaginal
SCUM is a video installation that creates a feminist utopia in which a decadent and toxic system is destroyed. We are denouncing police abuse in Spain and he so-called "Gagging Law" that have generated an increase in political prisoners in prisons, where they are vulnerable to torture. In this piece, social subjects have reached a post-technological era in which manufacturing has transformed the human body into a monster. The system is hacked by dissident monster, mutants come out of the dark to attack the system with a virus that hacks the virtual world
come on by to support and discuss how sexuality can be a political act!!
Data e Orario:
- discussion/presentation
- film