Tatreez Craft Corner: Palestinian Embroidery

Dimanche, 11 Août

Tatreez Craft Corner: Palestinian Embroidery

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This week we have a special treat during Palestine Cafe: A Tatreez craft corner. Learn and practice the beautiful tradional Palestinian crossstitch embroidery technique while enjoying coffee, tea and snacks and mingling with the community

All materials will be provided free of charge, you can join in at any time!

Date & heure: 

Dimanche, 11 Août, 2024 - 14:00 - 20:00


  • cours/ateliers
  • travaux / DIY


  • gratuit
Hiba Abu Nada Campus
Tussen Meer 85
1068 EZ Amsterdam


Presently squatted

The Amsterdam People's University evolved out of the Amsterdam Student Occupations for a free Palestine and an end to the Genocide in Gaza in Spring of 2024

Its space is for radical and revolutionary education

Everyone is a teacher, everyone a student!


  • action/manifestation/camp / conseils/aide / bar/café / librairie/bibliothèque/infokiosque / enfants / cours/ateliers / discussion/présentation / exposition / film / repas / rencontre / musique / radio/tv / théâtre / travaux / DIY