Palestine Café

Dimanche, 11 Août

Palestine Café

Short url:

A space for neighbourhood solidarity and people in the struggle for a free Palestine 🍉 come by and hang out with us!! We have snacks food & camaraderie :)

Date & heure: 

Dimanche, 11 Août, 2024 - 14:00 - 20:00


  • bar/café


  • gratuit
Hiba Abu Nada Campus
Tussen Meer 85
1068 EZ Amsterdam


Presently squatted

The Amsterdam People's University evolved out of the Amsterdam Student Occupations for a free Palestine and an end to the Genocide in Gaza in Spring of 2024

Its space is for radical and revolutionary education

Everyone is a teacher, everyone a student!


  • action/manifestation/camp / conseils/aide / bar/café / librairie/bibliothèque/infokiosque / enfants / cours/ateliers / discussion/présentation / exposition / film / repas / rencontre / musique / radio/tv / théâtre / travaux / DIY