Revolutionary Study Group

Mercredi, 28 Août

Revolutionary Study Group

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The revolutionary group is based on readings or other media that we choose together.

We want to focus on the stories, narratives and communiques from the resistance rather than focusing on the oppressors. What interests us most is the practical, on the ground, direct revolutionary practice.

We come together every Wednesday at 4pm to study together. We decide on the readings/content for the coming week each meeting. The first month we will focus on decolonial struggle, Black struggle and non-western Movements for liberation.

reach out to get the readings for the coming week!


Date & heure: 

Mercredi, 28 Août, 2024 - 16:00


  • cours/ateliers


  • gratuit
Hiba Abu Nada Campus
Tussen Meer 85
1068 EZ Amsterdam


Presently squatted

The Amsterdam People's University evolved out of the Amsterdam Student Occupations for a free Palestine and an end to the Genocide in Gaza in Spring of 2024

Its space is for radical and revolutionary education

Everyone is a teacher, everyone a student!


  • action/manifestation/camp / conseils/aide / bar/café / librairie/bibliothèque/infokiosque / enfants / cours/ateliers / discussion/présentation / exposition / film / repas / rencontre / musique / radio/tv / théâtre / travaux / DIY