ورشة كتابة إبداعية

Lundi, 29 Juillet

creative writing workshop

Short url: 


We are going to kick off a creative writing workshop at Hiba Abu Nada Campus. To connect more with her as a poetess, ourselves and our surroundings.

Come emerse yourself in creative energy where we will start with some warming up excercises before we even touch pen and paper.

Open for all ages, languages and experience level.

Date & heure: 

Lundi, 29 Juillet, 2024 - 14:00


  • cours/ateliers
  • travaux / DIY


  • gratuit
  • par donation


Hiba Abu Nada Campus
Tussen Meer 85
1068 EZ Amsterdam


Presently squatted

The Amsterdam People's University evolved out of the Amsterdam Student Occupations for a free Palestine and an end to the Genocide in Gaza in Spring of 2024

Its space is for radical and revolutionary education

Everyone is a teacher, everyone a student!


  • action/manifestation/camp / conseils/aide / bar/café / librairie/bibliothèque/infokiosque / enfants / cours/ateliers / discussion/présentation / exposition / film / repas / rencontre / musique / radio/tv / théâtre / travaux / DIY