Zoom Bike Project - Fixing Session

Jeudi, 8 Août

Zoom Bike Project - Fixing Session

Short url: 


A DIY/DIT grassroots bike project for Dalston, Hackney and London

opening times: 

Every Thursday 3pm - 7pm

(unless heavy rain)

 Gillett Square, Dalston, Hackney(by Vortex Jazz Bar)

Date & heure: 

Jeudi, 8 Août, 2024 - 15:00 - 19:00


  • conseils/aide
  • cours/ateliers
  • travaux / DIY
Gillett Square, Dalston
N16 8JN

A DIY/DIT grassroots bike project for Dalston, Hackney and London


  • cours/ateliers / travaux / DIY

horaires d'ouverture: 

Please note brand new times:

Fridays 3pm - 7pm

Saturdays 3pm - 7pm


and new location:

outside the orange-mirrored container, opposite Bradbury Works entrance on the corner of Dalston Jazz Bar.