Heart of The Valley Anti-Capitalist Bookfair

Vendredi, 19 Janvier - Dimanche, 21 Janvier

Heart of The Valley Anti-Capitalist Bookfair

Short url: 


The Heart of The Valley Anti-Capitalist Bookfair is an opportunity for comrades across the Willamette Valley and the greater PNW to come together in solidarity and friendship. The bookfair will consist of tabling, speakers, workshops, and parties occurring between January 19th and January 21st of 2024.
We are a multi-tendency organizing committee and believe that radicals from all liberatory traditions can learn from each other and organize in collaboration. We reject base sectarianism, and encourage attendees of different ideological stripes to engage each other genuinely and in good faith.


Crystal Lake Sports Park:
12pm-2pm: Marxist vs. Anarchist Kickball
Westminster House:
5pm-6:45pm: “How To Blow Up A Pipeline” screening
7pm-10pm: Old Time Anarcho-Hootenanny


Westminster House:
11:00am-4:00pm Main Tabling Space
11:30am-1:30pm Mutual Aid: Solidarity Not Charity?
1:45pm-2:45pm Certain Days Collective
3:00pm-4:00pm Corvallis Organizers Strategy Session
Book Bin:
5:00pm-6:45pm “Working It” Book Talk
Biere Library:
7:30pm-9pm Haus of Dharma


10:30am-12:00pm Trash Chxrch
Corvallis Benton County Library:
11:00am-4:00pm Main Tabling Space
1:00pm-2:00pm Self Defense & De-Escalation 101
2:10pm-3:40pm Coast Range Association
3:50pm-4:50pm Targeted Campaigns and Direct Action – Synergy for Success
Book Bin:
5:00pm-6:45pm “It Did Happen Here” Book Talk
7:30pm-10:00pm HXC Afterparty

These groups and more will tabling at Westminster House on 1.20.24 and the Corvallis Benton-County library on 1.21.24 from 11am to 4pm. Not all groups will be present both days, so show up both Saturday *and* Sunday to see everyone!
Alternative Library (Bellingham)
Anarcho-Transhuman https://anarchotranshuman.org/
Certain Days collective https://www.certaindays.org/
CL Publishers
Class Struggle Action Network
Coalition of Graduate Employees https://www.cge6069.org/
Corvallis DIY
Corvallis Palestine Solidarity https://corvallispalestine.org/
Corvallis Revolutionary Study Circle
CrimethInc http://crimethinc.com/
Detritus Books http://detritusbooks.com/
Food Not Bombs Salem
Institute for Anarchist Studies https://anarchiststudies.org/
It Did Happen Here: An Antifascist People’s History
Mid Valley IWW https://midvalleyiww.org/
The Mountain Beaver House
No Bonzo
North American Animal Liberation Press Office https://animalliberationpressoffice.org/
OSU Students United for Palestinian Equal Rights (SUPER)
Platypus Affiliated Society @ OSU
PM Press http://www.pmpress.org/
R.A.S.H. (Red and Anarchist Skinheads)
The Really Really Free Market
Roadside Moon
Stop the Sweeps https://stopthesweepscv.noblogs.org/
Willamette Valley Antifascists

Date & heure: 

Vendredi, 19 Janvier, 2024 (Jour entier) - Dimanche, 21 Janvier, 2024 (Jour entier)


  • librairie/bibliothèque/infokiosque
  • cours/ateliers
  • discussion/présentation
  • rencontre


Westminster House
101 NW 23rd Street
Corvallis-Benton County Public Library
Monroe Avenue 645
Monroe Avenue 1563
Book Bin
215 SW 4th St
Biere Library
151 NW Monroe Avenue

The Heart of The Valley Anti-Capitalist Bookfair is an opportunity for comrades across the Willamette Valley and the greater PNW to come together in solidarity and friendship. The bookfair will consist of tabling, speakers, workshops, and parties.


  • librairie/bibliothèque/infokiosque / cours/ateliers / discussion/présentation / exposition / repas / rencontre / fête