Austin Anarchist Bookfair

Dimanche, 11 Septembre

Austin Anarchist Bookfair

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Tabling Organizations:

Austin Anarchist Black Cross (ATX ABC)
Street Forum
Austin IWW
Emma Goldman Bookclub
Feral Distro
Haters Cafe
Wasteland Distro
Screwston Antifascist Committee
Monkeywrench Books

Date & heure: 

Dimanche, 11 Septembre, 2022 - 12:00 - 18:00


  • national callout


  • librairie/bibliothèque/infokiosque
  • cours/ateliers
  • discussion/présentation
  • rencontre
  • musique
1303 East 4th Street
Austin, TX

The Austin Anarchist bookfair is a regional event bringing together anarchists and like minded folx from across the city, region, and the so-called nation. We look forward to fostering connections between anarchists, left-libertarians, and anti-authoritarians.


  • librairie/bibliothèque/infokiosque / discussion/présentation / rencontre

Come study anarchist ideas with us! We are a participant led discussion group that meets at Monkeywrench Books. This group may take readings from books, zines, articles, or whatever we decide to discuss with a group of people.


  • librairie/bibliothèque/infokiosque / discussion/présentation / rencontre

horaires d'ouverture: 

Austin Anarchist Study Group meets every other week at Monkeywrench Books from 7 to 9 pm.