Otsozulo gaztetxea

Otsozulo gaztetxea

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We started the Busturia Youth Assembly in 2011 with the aim of satisfying the cultural and leisure needs of the town's young people, children and adults. We have received the approval of the town and council, and we have become a point of reference among the youth assemblies of Busturialdea. We signed an agreement with the city council to get the gaztetxe building in April 2013.
The main challenge for the youth assembly is to make a different offer to the town by keeping the Otsozulo youth center alive. To do this, we organize a series of cultural events. We manage the activity of the gaztetxe through the assembly.


  • course/workshop
  • discussion/presentation
  • meeting


Otsozulo gaztetxea


Former squat, now legalised
There are no upcoming events.