Masks from recycled fabric and performance games - a workshop with Huge Sillytoe

Tiistai, 30 elokuu

Masks from recycled fabric and performance games - a workshop with Huge Sillytoe

Short url:

Come to Makamik for an informal workshop devising and making theatrical masks and then bringing the characters to life through drama games! Bring yourself and any old fabrics that you would like to work with! Some materials and needles and thread will be available but if you are able to bring extra sewing tools, then please do! Who knows what creatures will come to life ready to help us dance and growl towards new poetic freedoms!?!

For free, voluntary payment to support Makamik!

Date & Time: 

Tiistai, 30 elokuu, 2022 - 16:00


  • course/workshop
  • work space/diy


  • free
  • by donation
Jyrängöntie 1, Kumpula


The house is located towards east from Botanic Garden, to the direction of Arabia, in the hill of Kumpula University campus.


Former squat, now legalised

Vuonna 2013 vallattu ja sittemmin laillistettu Squat Makamik oli anarkistinen ja antiautoritäärinen sosiaalikeskus ja vapaan taiteen tila, joka nojasi toiminnassaan antikapitalismiin ja turvallisemman tilan periaatteisiin.


  • book shop/info shop/library / course/workshop / discussion/presentation / exhibition / film / food / (free) shop/market / meeting / music/concert / party / theater