Kartzela Zaharra

Kartzela Zaharra

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Bergarako Gaztetxea is located in the old town prison. After several abandonments and demolitions, the young people of the village launched the Gazte Lokala project. Under a lot of pressure in the village, in 2000 we got the current building. The youth assembly currently manages the old prison as part of its self-management and self-financing ideas.
Throughout the year we have a diverse cultural offer: concerts, cinema, talks, theaters, lunches… And it is also home to several parallel projects: the Angiolillo library, the Txapa free radio and the Parents' Assembly, among others.
In our recent internal reflection by the Youth Assembly, however, we came to the conclusion that in addition to creating and providing alternative leisure, the Gaztetxe lacks the social pressure to create and influence. So we are working to achieve that goal today.


  • book shop/info shop/library
  • course/workshop
  • discussion/presentation
  • film
  • meeting
  • music/concert
  • party
  • radio/tv
  • theater


Bergarako gaztetxea - Kartzela Zaharra
baski (euskara)


Former squat, now legalised
There are no upcoming events.