Dimanĉo, 13 Oktobro
What's wrong with academia?
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From its very beginnings, Radical Sunday School defined itself as a collective that is highly critical of the currently existing formal education systems and aimed to offer and imagine alternatives as best as we could. Most of us in the collective have a lot of different personal experiences with formal education as students and we also read others' thoughts on this topic who had more time and resources to form their opinions. However, we have significantly less knowledge about how the academia looks like from teachers' and researchers' points of view. So, tonight, we will have the opportunity to listen to and ask a researcher and lecturer at the UvA, Dirk Damsma, who studies and teaches about topics in the philosophy of science while being critical of the institution where he works. How can you climb up the steps of the academic ladder? And is that even worth it? Is working as an academic just like any other job? Whether you think universities should be burned to the ground or you still want to believe at least a little bit that the promises of the academia are not complete lies, join us for the discussion!
The formal education system affects us all. Not only are we forced to attend schools growing up, but academic research shapes our governments, our news, and how we view the world around us. As much as many of us want to believe in the promise of institutional education, the sad fact is that our schools and universities are undemocratic and elitist. They perpetuate inequalities instead of giving people the tools to fight them. This world is fucked.
Here at Radical Sunday School, though, we know that another world is possible. Everyone should be able to direct their own learning, to grow together with their communities, and to live as though they’re already free. There are countless examples of movements already putting these ideas into practice. This collective is trying to follow in their footsteps, organizing to explore new ways of learning based on principles of autonomy, mutual aid, and egalitarianism.
This is not intended to be a course that you would have to follow all the way through. Jump in and out whenever you like. Sessions will be held every Sunday at Joe's Garage.
Doors open at 17.30, we start sharp at 18.00!
Date & Time:
- course/workshop
- discussion/presentation
- free