FCA Book Club - Sexed Up: How Society Sexualizes Us, and How We Can Fight Back by Julia Serano - ONLINE EVENT

Dimanĉo, 10 Decembro

FCA Book Club - Sexed Up: How Society Sexualizes Us, and How We Can Fight Back by Julia Serano - ONLINE EVENT

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We'll next be reading and discussing Julia Serano's Sexed Up: How Society Sexualizes Us, And How We Can Fight Back (2022)

In this book the author of landmark manifesto Whipping Girl exposes the violent ways we are all sexualized–then offers a bold path for resistance. Feminists have long challenged the ways in which men tend to sexualize women. But pioneering activist, biologist, and trans woman Julia Serano argues that sexualization is a far more pervasive problem, as it’s something that we all do to other people, often without being aware of it. Why do we perceive men as sexual predators and women as sexual objects? Why are LGBTQ+ people stereotyped as being sexually indiscriminate and deceptive? Why are people of color still being hypersexualized? These stereotypes push minorities farther into the margins, and even the privileged are policed from transgressing, lest they also become targets. Many view sexualization as a mere component of sexism, racism, or queerphobia, but Serano argues that liberation from sexual violence comes through collectively confronting sexualization itself


We'll meet on Sunday 10th of December at 16:30 online via Jitsi. If something goes wrong with the meeting on Jitsi, we’ll change to a google meeting. The links for the online meeting will be shared on our website, facebook, Instagram and meetup two days before the online book club meeting

To make sure the online meeting has some structure, we want to ask you:

  • Please, raise the “hands up” button when you want to say something
  • Please, try to let someone finish their point (it might be hard to hear when someone is finished during an online meeting)
  • Please, if possible, try to put your camera on so we can all see each other

Like the FCA more generally we aim to be a harassment free space for everybody. If you are new to our meetings, or feel you need a refresher please read our code of conduct to find out what behaviors we hope for from you, and hold ourselves to in our sessions http://www.thefeministclub.nl/coc

If there are topics or questions you would like to discuss please bring those with you

We are looking forward to seeing you!

Date & Time: 

Dimanĉo, 10 Decembro, 2023 - 16:30


  • discussion/presentation


  • free


Online/offline intersectional feminist community born in Amsterdam.


  • discussion/presentation / meeting