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Join us in the struggle against capitalism, the state, and all forms of oppression!
Tuesday 14th of August 2024, we revealed that we have been living at the unused school on Catullusweg 11.
Aside from being a living space, it will also be a space to gather, meet each other, share and sharpen skills, and host events. It will be a place to learn outside of institutionalised education.
We want to create a space where everybody can feel safe, no matter the colour of your skin, sexual orientation, gender, class, or any such characteristic. Our house and common spaces are vegan, because we are also against the oppression of other species.
This is an invitation to come by and organise!
opening times:
We have no set opening times yet, but will soon update. For now you're welcome to drop by during the day.
Wij willen onze dank uitbrengen aan iedereen die ons al gesteund en bijgestaan heeft, dat betekent veel!
22 augustus kregen wij te horen dat er een spoedrechtzaak aangespannen was voor ontruiming van catullusweg 11.
Die heeft plaatsgevonden in de ochtend van 23 augustus en wij kunnen met blijdschap en opluchting mededelen dat wij die gewonnen hebben!!!
Ondanks dat we geen enkel goed woord te zeggen hebben over het gerechtssysteem, zijn we toch blij en opgelucht dat er in de komende tijd geen pogingen tot ontruiming vanuit de staat en diens dienaren zullen komen.
Nu dat het pand meer bestaanszekerheid heeft. Zullen wij nog meer tijd nemen om hier een sociaal centrum op te zetten inclusief bibliotheek, weggeef winkel, bioscoop/theater, community kitchen etc.
Dit is een oproep tot samenscholing en organiseren. Kom vooral langs, deel je ideeën en sluit je aan!
We kijken uit naar jullie ideeën en initiatieven<3
We are really grateful to everyone that has helped out and stood by us, it truly means a lot!!
On the 22nd of august we got a letter for a speed court case for the eviction of catullusweg 11.
In the morning of august 23rd we went to court, and we're happy to announce that we won!!!
Even though we don't have anything nice to say about the judicial systeem, we feel a weight taken off our shoulders knowing that in the coming time there won’t be any attempts of eviction by the state and its servants.
Now that this squat has more stability, we will put even more time into setting up a social space including a library, free shop, cinema/theater, community kitchen etc.
This is a callout to gather and organise together.
Come by share your ideas and don’t don’t hesitate to join in on the fun! We’re looking forward to your ideas and initiatives<3
- course/workshop
- discussion/presentation
- meeting