Apéro en musique

Saturday, 24 October

Apéro en musique

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Ecouter un bon DJ en dégustant un verre entre amis avant de sortir faire la fête

Date & Time: 

Saturday, 24 October, 2020 - 16:00 to 22:00


  • bar/cafe
  • music/concert
S-Club (W123L)
122 chaussée de Ninove, Molenbeek

Festival of self-managed places in Brussels. The Festival du Coucou Puissant is a willingness of several occupations in Brussels to come together to strengthen the links between spaces. Our inspiration consists in proposing during a fortnight activities that we realize daily in our spaces.


  • action/protest/camp / bar/cafe / course/workshop / exhibition / film / food / meeting / music/concert / theater

Novembre 2018 - Après 11 ans d'occupation, Le 123 ferme ses portes ! Le bâtiment est vendu par la région Wallonne, la convention temporaire à été respectée et les habitants relogés.


  • action/protest/camp / advice/help/office hours / bar/cafe / children's activity / course/workshop / discussion/presentation / exhibition / film / food / (free) shop/market / meeting / music/concert / party / theater / work space/diy