Yoga im Aquarium

Wednesday, 28 August

Yoga im Aquarium

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SOLI YOGA for the roof
Jeden Mittwoch im August/ September um 11 Uhr werden wir Yoga praktizieren & Geld für das Dach sammeln. -=- In diesen Klassen lernst du die Grundelemente des Yoga kennen. Themen wie die genaue Ausführung von Positionen (Asanas), Atmung (Pranayama) & Alignement (Körperausrichtung) werden Schritt für Schritt anhand einer Auswahl von Asanas erlernt. Die Klassen eignen sich insbesondere für Einsteiger sowie alle, die einzelne Basics noch einmal vertiefen & auffrischen möchten oder einfach Lust auf Praxis haben. Bringe bitte deine Matte, Blöcke (falls du hast) & kleine Decke. Die Klassen sind für alle Levels geeignet.
Learn Hatha Vinyasa Yoga, Pranayama in Shakti Energy. Our practice will help us to repair the leaky roof.
Every Wednesday August/September at 11 o´clock we will meet us to practice Yoga and contribute to repair the leaky roof. The classes are suitable for all levels. In these classes you will get to know the basic elements of yoga. Topics such as precise execution of positions (asanas), breathing (pranayama) and alignment (body alignment) are learned step by step from a selection of asanas. The classes are particularly suitable for beginners and anyone who wants to deepen or refresh individual basics of the practice again or simply feel like a practice. Please bring your mat, blocks if you have and small blanket.

Date & Time: 

Wednesday, 28 August, 2019 - 11:00


  • course/workshop
Köpenicker Straße 137
10179 Berlin


Presently squatted

Squat in Berlin


  • bar/cafe / book shop/info shop/library / course/workshop / discussion/presentation / exhibition / film / food / music/concert / party / theater / work space/diy

opening times: 

Please look at our website for more details.
Every Wednesday at 20:30 Food not Bombs Soli-VoKü im AGH. (Tuesday VoKü at 20:00 is postponed in the moment)