Permanence de soutien psychologique pour les migrant·es

Monday, 20 August

Permanence de soutien psychologique pour les migrant·es

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To all persons in migration process (women, men, youth, English speaker, French speaker…), we start a Psychological Permanence in form of support group, hold by facilitators who are also psychologists, every Mondays, from 3 PM to 5.30 PM, to the Mille Bâbords place, 61 rue Consolat, 13001 Marseille. Itinerary from Manba (6min). This permanence goal’s is to make emerge asking of persons in migration process in order to build, in participative way, the future disposal that answering the demands.

This space should make you able to put words on emotions felt when you arrived in France. The disappointment about the arrival, the hard access to services, institutional obstacle, isolation, family and gender vulnerabilities, lack of valuing activities, lack of position in society and the long waiting time about administrative processes, are all type of violence. This violence repeats the ones you experimented on your way here, and can push anyone in hopelessness and suffering.

The support group should help with :

  • breaking isolation
  • developing your ability to cope with emotions
  • encouraging you to looking for help when a situation and feelings overwhelmed you
  • restore a thinking process (when violence had freezed it)
  • using coping mechanism developed together to face personal issues
  • identify value and meaning about your own ability to support others. Restore self-esteem.

Date & Time: 

Monday, 20 August, 2018 - 15:00 to 17:30


  • advice/help/office hours


  • sans papiers
  • migrants


Mille Bâbords
61, rue Consolat
13001 Marseille

Mille Bâbords est une Médiathèque Alternative, un lieu dédié à la promotion et à la connaissance des différents mouvements de luttes sociales.


  • action/protest/camp / advice/help/office hours / book shop/info shop/library / children's activity / course/workshop / discussion/presentation / exhibition / film / meeting

opening times: 

Permanence de Mille Bâbords et de sa médiathèque
- Tous les lundis de 15h à 18h
- Les 2e et 4e jeudis de 15h à 18h

Permanences juridiques et syndicales de l’Union Locale de la CNT 13 :
- Tous les 1er mardis du mois de 12h à 14h
- Tous les 3e mardis du mois de 19h à 21h

Permanence juridique pour les demandeurs d’asile
- tous les mercredis de 14H à 18H (sauf le 3e mercredi de 13h à 17h30)