Portes ouvertes et cantine populaire

Sunday, 24 June

Portes ouvertes et cantine populaire

Short url: 


Every Sunday starting 4pm (16:00), discover the self-organized socialcenter (CSA) of Ivry! The doors are open to visit the building, find out about the activities, and why not throw in some ideas and start some projects around a tea.

Then, starting 8pm (20:00), a good meal to share with the neighbourhood : it's the popular kitchen! It's free-price and a vegan dish is always available. Depending on the preparations of the day, a vegatarian or halal dish may be proposed as well.

The canteen is 100% self-organized: everyone is welcome to give a hand before 8pm (20:00) or sweeping/moping after the diner. Everybody does their share of cleaning dishes (autowash) if possible.

Date & Time: 

Sunday, 24 June, 2018 - 16:00 to 22:00


  • food
  • meeting


  • free
  • by donation
- Prix libre


Centre Social Autogéré d'Ivry
37 rue Marceau - Ivry


Metro 7 - Pierre et Mairie Curie, Tram 3 - Maryse Bastié


Evicted squat

ATTENTION: Le CSA est fermé au public jusqu'à nouvel ordre. Des nouvelles suivront sur d'autres canaux (newsletter, blogs).


  • advice/help/office hours / course/workshop / discussion/presentation / film / food / meeting

opening times: 

Le CSA est fermé en ce moment.