Huerto Abierto Popular

Sunday, 9 June

Huerto Abierto Popular

Short url:

¡Abrimos otra vez el huerto popular!·
Llega el verano y el buen tiempo:
Pásate por nuestro huerto popular autogestionado, teje redes, riega, planta, toma el sol!
Todos los jueves a las 11:00

Date & Time: 

Sunday, 9 June, 2019 - 12:04

After the eviction of the C.S.O. La Vieja Escuela, on Thursday 21 October 2010 we occupied the old prison of Torrero. A building that for 73 years, both in democracy and dictatorship, served the state for kidnapping and torture.


  • action/protest/camp / advice/help/office hours / bar/cafe / book shop/info shop/library / course/workshop / discussion/presentation / film / food / (free) shop/market / meeting / music/concert / party / work space/diy

opening times: 

Lunes, 20h, Asamblea
Miér­coles: Talleres, biblioteca anarquista, gimnasio, tiendra gratis, cartas a presxs, huerto, cafeta y muchas actividades!