'The Shock Doctrine' Then and Now. A case-study of Greece - De Kargadoor - 4 feb 16 19:30

Thursday, 4 February

'The Shock Doctrine' Then and Now. A case-study of Greece - De Kargadoor - 4 feb 16 19:30

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Join us to watch the documentary 'Shock Doctrine' and discuss how this is applied in Greece.
How are unpopular policies imposed by the ruling classes?
What has the Greek people reacted to the measures?
How can we recover from the shock and strike back?
Join us in a lively discussion with two members of the movements in Greece!

Date & Time: 

Thursday, 4 February, 2016 - 19:30 to 22:00
3511AP Utrecht

Basta! brengt mensen samen om te discussiëren over onderwerpen die een ieder aangaan maar waar vaak te weinig aandacht aan wordt geschonken. Sinds 2007 voert Basta!


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