Thursday, 14 March to Sunday, 17 March
XIII Seville Anarchist Bookfair
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Thursday 14
20:00 / location: Librería La Fuga
Presentation of the book "The origins of the CNT and the anarchist groups in the city of Seville", by Juan Manuel Valencia Rodríguez / Edita RMHSA-CGT
The birth of the Sevillian CNT came about as a result of the linking of several pre-existing unions. Its creation and development was nourished by a rich substratum of anarchist groups that carried out an intense work of ideological and propagandistic dissemination. He quickly set the pace for the city's labor movement with his activism and the radicalism of his mobilizations. Some time later it will become an organization with extraordinary strength among the workers of the city.
Friday 15
18:00 / location: Centro Vecinal Pumarejo
Critical Theory Presentation of "CAPS LOCK: How Capitalism Appropriated Graphic Design and How to Escape From It", by Ruben Pater / Edita Libros Walden
Capitalism could not exist without the coins, banknotes, documents, infographics, branding and advertisements made by graphic designers: it seems that design is trapped in a cycle of exploitation and extraction, forever linked to capitalism. The book presents this reality, while also showing us examples of radical design collectives that resist capitalist thinking in their own way.
20:30 / location: Centro Vecinal Pumarejo
"Trebi Fontana", by Sonia Astacio
Trebi Fonatana is a declining nightclub cabaret performer who wants to show off her artistic talents: magic, music, mentalism, commedia dell'arte... all mixed with a lot of Moet Chandó. A fun and participative number, directed by Isa Ramírez, with a fluid ending that will not leave anyone indifferent. A metaphor for what is expected of women as young ladies, a transformation, a dispossession and a break with the established.
20:30 / location: Centro Vecinal Pumarejo
Saturday 16
11:00 / location: SAT Sevilla
Sexual dissidence A
mplifying Transmaribibollo Voices: Dissident Practices in Publishing, by Holográfica Editorial and Álvaro Prados
Holográfica is an independent, non-profit publishing house that wants to serve as a platform for literatures of sex-gender dissidence, understanding dissidence as the position of those who refuse to be made to disappear: a denial that is all the more vitalistic and affirmative because in it lies the only way we have to affirm our life. Holográfica Editorial was born to be a sounding board for these combative voices. In addition, Álvaro Prados will present his collection of poems "Hans: The Cosmic Dancer", where he scrutinizes a firmament made of stories and discovers himself in the dancing figure of Hans Christian Andersen: one of the most famous storytellers, but also one of the most misunderstood.
14:00 / location: Centro Vecinal Pumarejo
16:30 / location: SAT Sevilla
Social Ecology
Comics to imagine a future of collapse based on mutual support, by Rubén Uceda
Rubén has been dedicated to the art of storytelling through illustrations for more than fifteen years, and from those efforts have come nine graphic novels that analyze such thorny issues as the Spanish transition, the revolutionary movements of the early twentieth century or the climate emergency. After his trilogy of comics about anarcho-syndicalism (El Corazón del Sueño, Casilda Revolucionaria and Negras Tormentas), he will present his most recent comics, a trilogy with an ecosocial theme: La Huerta, Antes del Futuro and V de Versoñeta.
19:00 / location: Centro Vecinal Pumarejo
Exploitation and resistance
Presentation of "The Domestic Trench, Stories of Work in the Home", by Cristina Barrial / Edita Levanta Fuego
Working days that take up the whole day, medical leave that is not respected, vacations that never arrive, aggressions that are silenced. Confined to the same space as their employers and isolated from their colleagues, domestic and care workers make up one of the groups that suffers the most exploitation and violence. The book collects the experiences of five cleaners and caregivers who opened the doors of the homes in which they worked to Cristina Barrial. They had all turned those homes into trenches.
20:30 h / location: Centro Vecinal Pumarejo
Sunday 17
10:30 / location: Salida del autobús: Arco de la Macarena
Anti-prison struggle
March to Women's Prison Information and reservation of places at:
We went to the Women's Prison of Alcalá de Guadaira together with the collective 13 Mil Fugas (13 Thousand Escapes) to express our solidarity with those who suffer from the walls, reject the existence of prisons and denounce prison cruelty. This march is not to forget, to bring a breath of freedom to the prisoners, so that they feel that they are not alone and that the struggle against these extermination centers continues to resist on the other side. Those who forget about the prisoners forget about the struggle.
Down with the prison walls!
14:00 / location: Centro Vecinal Pumarejo
16:30 / location: SAT Sevilla
Presentation of the book "Anti-prison feminism, the body as resistance", by Alicia Alonso Merino / Edita Zambra
For women, prison is a continuum of patriarchal violence and control, a tool for puncture and discipline. Fighting against this form of punishment is also a way of fighting against heteropatriarchy and capitalism. The book is inscribed in that crack that knows how to separate the "legal prison" from the "real prison": the one that daily houses poverty, disease and exclusion.
Publishers & Distributors on Friday · Saturday · Sunday, location: Centro Vecinal Pumarejo
Ed. Imperdible (València) / Ed. Avenate (Sevilla) / Piedra Papel Libros (Jaén) / Librería La Tijera (Gerena) / Veganismo es respeto (València) / Edicions Malcriàs d’Agràcia i Ateneu Libertario de Gràcia (Barcelona) / Ediciones Fantasma (Málaga) / Biblioteca Social Hermanos Quero (Granada) / Zambra Distribuidora (Málaga) / Recuperando la Memoria de la Historia Social de Andalucía · RMHSA-CGT (Sevilla) / Ed. Irrecuperables (Badajoz) / Descontrol (Barcelona) / Traficantes de Sueños (Madrid) / Librería Quilombo (Sevilla) / Ona Ediciones (Chiapas – València) / Mujeres Supervivientes y Mercapuma (Sevilla)
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