Consert! Desert Mammooth + Stones of Babylon

Saturday, 20 October

Consert! Desert Mammooth + Stones of Babylon

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Portas abrem às // Doors open 18H30;
Contribuição // Donation: entre 3 a 5 pedras do deserto. 3-5 euro
1º concerto Stones of babylon pelas 19H00,
Dinner // Jantar a partir das 20h15  
2º concerto Desert Mammooth pelas 21H00
Fim até às 23H00 e queiram respeitar a vizinhança em redor evitando ruídos exteriores e deixar lixo na rua. //End by 11:00 p.m. and want to respect the surrounding neighborhood by avoiding outside noise and leaving garbage on the street.

Date & Time: 

Saturday, 20 October, 2018 - 18:00


  • bar/cafe
  • food
  • music/concert


  • 3-5 €
Penha de França
Rua da Penha de França
1170-182 Lisboa

Rua Penha de França217,LX


  • bar/cafe / book shop/info shop/library / children's activity / course/workshop / discussion/presentation / exhibition / film / food / (free) shop/market / meeting / music/concert / party / theater / work space/diy

opening times: 

  • We open whenever we have events. This is not a living place or a business.