KTS-Jubiläum – 25 Jahre und kein Ende in Sicht!

Wednesday, 16 October to Saturday, 26 October

KTS-anniversary - 25 years and no end in sight!

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The autonomous social centre KTS Freiburg exists since 25 years and we would like to celebrate this unique place of culture and politics. From the 16th until the 26th of October a diverse program of noncommercial exhibitions, DIY culture, protest, demonstrations and celebrations will be awaiting you. We are looking forward to a cracking festival full of libertarian, autonomous, queer-feminist, radical-ecological and political education intervention, which will strengthen our structures and will make our anti-capitalistic utopias visible.

After the fights of the 1980s and through squatting in Vauban from 1994 on, the "new autonomous social centre" was established in the Baslerstraße since 1998. Here, we organise and fight for emancipation and against the right - and intend to stay a thorn in side of the reactionaries. The repressions of the last years, attacks by our political enemies and the lawsuit against Indymedia linksunten do not keep us from expanding this place for anarchist politics. By now, several generations are celebrating and fighting with the backing of the autonomous social centre, and, with all their power, stand up against the swing to the right within society - which seems to be more needed than ever.

During the ten days of festivities in October, we await friends from near and far to discuss the situation in different left places and to take action against gentrification together. We are looking forward to hot autumn days together with you; the program is in the works and will be available during the summer. We are going to organize the infrastructure and the cultural program and, additionally, some surprises, in the hope that you will also contribute in some kind of way. For questions and response, please, use the email address below.

Let us, loudly and boisterously, celebrate the 25th anniversary of the KTS - for more autonomous social centres and an anti-fascist future!


Date & Time: 

Wednesday, 16 October, 2019 (All day) to Saturday, 26 October, 2019 (All day)

Is this a callout or mobilisation?: 

  • international callout


  • action/protest/camp
  • book shop/info shop/library
  • course/workshop
  • discussion/presentation
  • food
  • meeting
  • music/concert
  • party


  • by donation
Basler Straße 103
79100 Freiburg

Die KTS ist ein selbstverwaltetes und unkommerzielles Autonomes Zentrum in Freiburg im Breisgau


  • action/protest/camp / advice/help/office hours / bar/cafe / book shop/info shop/library / children's activity / course/workshop / discussion/presentation / exhibition / film / food / (free) shop/market / meeting / music/concert / party / theater / work space/diy