Tuesday, 21 September
ECAP Tuesdays ***August UPDATE***
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Tuesday Drop-in: appointments now available
ECAP Tuesday Sessions have resumed face to face appointments however support via phone, online or email is still available. We’re asking people to contact us by phone, email or Facebook only in order to arrange an appointment. We are not currently operating a drop in service – please note ACE’s other resources are also not currently available on a Tuesday.ECAP/Edinburgh Claimants are continuing our support for and solidarity with claimants as well as all those up against the authorities
How to Contact ECAP
Ring 0131 557 6242 any time and leave a message. We aim to respond to messages within 2 days. Best to leave a short message with your phone number, please speak your number slowly and repeat it.
Email us at ecap@lists.riseup.net any time, and we will try to reply within 2 days. If you don’t have email you could ask a friend to contact us on your behalf. Please leave a phone number if possible.
If either of these are impossible you can either put an envelope through the door of ACE addressed to ECAP or write to us at ECAP, c/o ACE, 17 West Montgomery Place, Edinburgh EH7 5HA – but please note we can only pick up mail approximately once a week.
If you have access to Facebook you can message the ECAP Facebook page where we will try and reply to messages within 2 days.
Please contact us if you have an ongoing problem which is not yet resolved. Don’t hesitate, it will help us if you get in touch.
The struggle continues.
Food / Money / Benefits Emergency?
The Scottish Government has more than doubled the amount in the Scottish Welfare Fund and extended who can apply, to support people hit by the coronavirus situation and abolished the 3 times per year limit for Crisis Grants. You can apply for a Crisis Grant or a Community Care Grant plus a foodbank referral. To apply in Edinburgh, ring 0131 529 5299 or apply online. For more info see our SWF page. If knocked back contact us.
Plus every Thursday 10:30 – 2pm there is a drop-in Food and Resources Bank at ACE run by our friends Oficina Precaria. As well as a variety of non-perishable food there are toiletries, hygiene products, baby clothes and toys. No referral or prior booking needed, but please note Covid safety measures – masks, hand sanitiser, only one person per household inside the premises please, and only one person visiting the foodbank at a time. You do not need to provide any paperwork or ‘proof of status’ for immigration or DWP. The One Stop Shop has been suspended until it reopens on 2 September - check the Events page for confirmation nearer the time.
Plus check out our Coronavirus Support page which also has info on community groups providing food and food deliveries.
We are a group standing in solidarity with all those being treated unfairly. Our website is here.
The following information is suspended for the duration of the coronavirus crisis: Every Tuesday between 12 and 3 pm we hold an advice and solidarity drop-in here at Ace (cancelled for the foreseeable future - we are still contactable by phone, online and email). We stand with those experiencing problems with work, dole, council services, housing, debt or poverty.
We are only volunteers, not professionals, but will share our knowledge as best we can and always try to campaign collectively against the unfairness in our society. Check out our ECAP leaflet below.
Our drop-ins can get very busy so please come early and prepare for a bit of a wait! Free food is often available as well as information about what we have here at ACE including any events and campaigns we're involved in. If you'd like to volunteer, or just hang out and provide a friendly ear to listen, please come along or get in touch.