Perspectives from Denmark and Iceland On the struggles faced by refugees and asylum seekers

Tuesday, 12 November

Perspectives from Denmark and Iceland On the struggles faced by refugees and asylum seekers

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In light of the collapse of the Icelandic Government last month, over their internal disagreements about the planned deportation of an 11 year old chronically ill boy from Palestine, and the upcoming snap elections in Iceland. We in the North Atlantic Solidarity Network are happy to invite everyone to an informative evening focusing on the struggles faced by refugees and asylum seekers in Denmark and Iceland on the 14th of November.

The event is held in cooperation with Danish activist Anemone Samy and the Icelandic aid organisation Solaris hjálparsamtök. The event will be held in Folkets Hus, starting at 17:00.

All across Europe, it seems that for every day that passes the rights of refugee and asylum seekers are getting further restricted, that borders are becoming more militarised and that the numbers of deportations increases. How does this trend relate to a Nordic context? How do we distinguish between the facts, myths and misinformation about the subject? Is the nordic model an exception to this trend? It’s questions like these we hope to find some answer to together, and therefore we have arranged two separate presentations from respectively a Danish and an Icelandic perspective.



Doors open


Welcome - North Atlantic Solidarity Network



Dansk udlændinge-og flygtningepolitik; en kort gennemgang af udviklingen siden 2015, med fokus på de udfordringer vi oplever i dag på asylområdet, herunder udrejsecentre og inddragelsessager.

- Anemone Samy, aktivist på flygtningeområdet
Language: Danish


Q & A with Anemone Samy




Solaris presentation, to be announced.


Q & A with Solaris


End of programme with the possibility to stay and network.
About the organiser:

The North Atlantic Solidarity Network, is an informal group of activists that got together in Copenhagen in 2023. Our intentions is to create a platform that works toward being an autonomous space for the north atlantic diaspora in Copenhagen and its neighbouring Scandinavian geographies, as well as raise awareness locally of the struggles and fights going on in the north atlantic geographies of Shetland, The Faroe Islands, Iceland and Inuit Nunaat.
Our goals are to:
Create a shared autonomous and anti-parliamentarian space for north atlantic culture and politics.

Foster a network between the autonomous-, grassroot-, and anti-parliamentarian movements that exist in the geographies of the North Atlantic and the diaspora communities originating from them.

Strengthen the ties between the internationalist solidarity movements in Scandinavia and abroad with the autonomous-, grassroot-, and anti-parliamentarian movements that exist in the geographies of the North Atlantic.

Date & Time: 

Tuesday, 12 November, 2024 - 17:00 to 22:00


  • discussion/presentation


  • free
Folkets Hus
Stengade 50


Former squat, now legalised

Folkets Hus is Nørrebro’s own community center. Here you can get to know your neighbors, practice sports, drink coffee, watch movies, have community kitchen, do activism, hang out and much more!


  • bar/cafe / book shop/info shop/library / discussion/presentation / meeting / party