Socialism 101: Anti-Capitalist Environmentalism

Sunday, 13 February

Socialism 101: Anti-Capitalist Environmentalism

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An afternoon of workshops for students and young workers discussing how we can save the planet.
Extreme weather is now the norm. Global warming is hitting dangerous levels. Millions of people in the global south are displaced by climate change. Yet still those in power act do nothing. At COP26 in November they pretended to bother to do something, but the deal was an abject failure and did very little to cut fossil fuel emissions. Why?
The impending climate crisis can seem overwhelming, but we can do something about it. The protests we’ve seen globally over the last few years have put the question of climate change firmly on the political agenda. But big questions have also been raised. Can there be a green capitalism? What does climate justice look like? And what does “system change” really mean? Join us to discuss these questions and more.
Workshops include:
• Marxism, ecology and climate breakdown
• What does climate justice look like?

Date & Time: 

Sunday, 13 February, 2022 - 12:00 to 16:00


  • discussion
  • Politics
  • talk
  • Workshop
People's Republic of Stokes Croft
17-35 Jamaica Street, Stokes Croft
United Kingdom

Since 2007, the People’s Republic of Stokes Croft – PRSC – has worked tirelessly to promote civil liberty with a particular focus on public space. Sweeping, painting and speaking out are part of their resistance to zealous overregulation of independent initiative.


  • bar/cafe / course/workshop / discussion/presentation / exhibition / food / meeting / music/concert / party / radio/tv / theater

opening times: 

Monday - Saturday : 11am - 6pm
Sunday : 12pm - 5pm