Wednesday, 8 July


Short url: 


Pottkieker-Küfa - spontan stehen wir mal wieder an den Töpfen - was genau rein kommt wissen wir noch nicht.
Aber freut euch auf lecker und noch ne Priese davon und n Schwapp hiervon und tadaaa - schmeckt vorzüglich,
macht satt - auf jeden Fall mit Dessert und ohne Gluten und Soja.

Spenden gehen an Leute in Nordost-Syrien, die von Krieg und Verfolgung betroffen sind.

Bar öffnet um 18 Uhr und Essen gibt es ab 20 Uhr

- english -

Pottkieker-Küfa - and all of the sudden we are cooking again - imagening pots not yet knowing what we are going to cook exactly. But be prepared for something delicious with a tablespoon of this and a little dash of that und tadaaaaa - it´s going to taste fantastic and rich - definetly with some dessert and without gluten and soy.

Donations are going to people in northeast-syria, being struck by war an persecution

Bar opens at 6pm food will be at 8pm

Date & Time: 

Wednesday, 8 July, 2020 - 18:00


  • bar/cafe
  • food


  • free
Mareschstr. 1
12055 Berlin


S-Bhf Sonnenallee


  • bar/cafe / discussion/presentation / film / food / music/concert

opening times: 

Mo-Sa ab 18:00
Di 19:00 Küfa (vegan) different groups with different soli purposes, from FLTQI+
rehearsal space or workshop to Brandenburg. Come by and enjoy!
Mi 19:00 Küfa (vegan) different groups with different soli purposes, from Antirep to
Solizimmer or right to stay. Come by and enjoy!

Zwischendurch: Vorträge, Workshops, Soli-VAs, Quiz, Filmscreenings